Dataflexnet joins Manchester Digital
Dataflexnet is excited to join Manchester Digital as member and Fintech company that specialises in the commercial card space.
Originally founded back in 1996 focused on corporate travel technology, Dataflexnet has since collaboratively forged international relationships with Mastercard, Diners Club International and Discover, with banks across Europe, Asia, and internationally, and with travel management companies of all sizes including Egencia (Expedia!) and Carlson Wagonlit.
Since 9/11's drastic effect on corporate travel, Dataflexnet diversified into commercial payment processing, invented new & unique virtual card service, and re-built our file processing services as corporate travel regained strengh.
In 2017 we look to double in size our technology teams and are on the look out for like minded people to help us on our journey. By joining Manchester Digital we are looking to tap into the fantastic pool of talent that is Manchester.
If you interested in a career at Dataflexnet please get in contact.