DCI Global Commercial Payment Summit 2020 - Istanbul, Turkey
Review of 2019
Merry Christmas everyone. 2019 has been a successful year for the company.
In 2019, Dataflexnet introduced two new services, SharePay and FlexId, designed specifically to help the payment processing industry overcome the challenge of recently introduced security and data sharing regulations.
Staffs Web Meet Up November 19 - Review
Dataflexnet are a proud sponsors of the Staffs Web Meetup, a stafford-based local group comprising of web-developers, marketers, software developers, academics and technologists (to name a but a few) who meet on the third Wednesday of every month to discuss, collaborate and network.
Reflecting on the Global Summit
Dataflexnet joined the Fintech showcase and panel discussions talking about the positive reception SharePay has received and how it is being integrated into virtual payments at this years CPI Global Summit.